Today, my first goal, is to setup my dev env to be able to run Tomcat 7 embebed in my IDE and display a simple static jsp file.
First, lets remind you my application software architecture.
|_______ icc-business (business rules module)
|_______ icc-couchbase-consumer (dao to couchbase)
|_______ icc-rest-provider (ReSTful API exposure)
|_______ icc-technical (Exception and Log module)
Add your webapp maven module :
Before setting up your App Server, you need to build a War file. this War file will be deployed in the Tomcat server. This War file will be build and package using Maven. I call my new maven module - icc-war-module.
|_______ icc-business (business rules module)
|_______ icc-couchbase-consumer (dao to couchbase)
|_______ icc-rest-provider (ReSTful API exposure)
|_______ icc-technical (Exception and Log module)
|_______ icc-war-module (All the web stuff is here)
In this module, I need to add a web.xml file and a jsp file to be sure my deployment in tomcat 7 is ok. Find below, how my web module is constructed.
|___ src
|___ main
|___ webapp
|___ WEB-INF
| |___ web.xml
|___ index.jsp
The jsp file contains a simple Hello World like code. Nothing really difficult.
Tomcat 7 installation :
Now, you have a project ready to be deployed, let's configure Tomcat 7 embeded server in IntelliJ.
In a IntelliJ, you add your embeded Tomcat 7 app server using the Edit Configuration menu. Then click on the "+ button, choose Tomcat Server --> Add Local Server.
Add to the "before launch" configuration all the different actions you want to execute (make, mvn clean install and build war).
Update your war module pom :
In your pom.xml file, don't forget to add the tomcat7-maven-plugin to be able to construct your war file.
<plugin> <groupId>org.apache.tomcat.maven</groupId> <artifactId>tomcat7-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.2</version> </plugin>
Source files available on Github :
If you want, you can find on my Github all the source files ready to run for this post. I have created a brachn called day5-tomcat7-embeded-minimum-configuration if you want to test it.
> git clone > cd introscope-couchbase-content > git checkout day5-tomcat7-embeded-minimum-configuration
For those who wants to create an application from this core files, I suggest you to follow the next mvn command line to create and use a maven archetype. Change directory to your root module directory and type the following command.
> mvn archetype:create-from-project ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... > cd target/generated-sources/archetype/ > mvn install ... [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...
Now you can create a project from your new archetype. Change directory to a new one and type the following command
> mvn archetype:generate -Dicc-parent-archetype ... XXX: local -> (icc-parent-archetype) ... > Choose a number or apply filter (format: [groupId:]artifactId, case sensitive contains): 333: XXX [type the number of the archetype in the list]
After, you have to fill in the form (groupId, artifactId, version, package) and validate by typing 'Y'. You have instansiate a new project, you just have to go inside de project directory and type :
> mvn clean install tomcat7:run
Open a browser and type the URL http://localhost/[your artifactId]
You should see a 'Hello world' message : Your app is ready for dev !
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